How do I know if my computer has been hacked? How do I know if my computer has been hacked?

References:   Cracker  - Person who gains unauthorized access to a computer with the intention of causing damage.  Cracking   - Method by...

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How do I protect myself while online? How do I protect myself while online?

How can I protect myself while online? Verify data is encrypted When sending confidential information over the Internet such as userna...

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How do I get the start button back in Windows 8? How do I get the start button back in Windows 8?

If you have the original release of Windows 8 or  you have updated to the newer  version (windows 8.1)and you're okay with the window...

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What is Charms? What is Charms?

The Windows  Charms  is a new feature that was introduced with Windows 8 that gives you access to Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Setting...

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